Allgemein · Parenting

First Quarter Results Are In

The first quarter results are in. Its been a mixed one. Ups. Downs. Inbetween times. The big 4-oh. An up. A big one. A frustrating February. A down. Lots of reading. An up. Lots of unfinished, challenging books. A down(er). Learning new skills – conversational French, new crochet stitches, cooking game dishes.  Peaks and troughts and peaks and troughs but… Continue reading First Quarter Results Are In

Allgemein · Parenting

Pepping Up My Spring Wardrobe with Joanie Clothing

Those among you who were here reading my blog before we got our dog will know that at first I was a little apprehensive. I’m not what you’d call a dog person by nature. But I am getting there. I’m also not naturally a shopper, not a clothes shopper anyway. Strange though it may seem,… Continue reading Pepping Up My Spring Wardrobe with Joanie Clothing