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Awards and Memberships – Yay Me!

It has been such a lovely week. I really am quite pleased with myself. Within the space of a few days I got three nice little snippets of news.

First of all, the wonderful Mum With Brain passed the baton of the #onelovelyblog award on to me. You can read my post on it here. I really enjoyed sitting down to have a think about myself and what people might not know about me, as well as having a good ol’ nosey around the web for some blogs to nominate.

After that I heard from the Irish Food Bloggers Association that they have included my cookery blog in their April blogroll. My fellow newbies include the fantastic Catherine Fulvio and the wittily written My Food of Life.

As if all that wasn’t enough, I got word back from the Irish Parenting Bloggers that my membership request has been accepted. For those who haven’t ever visited the Irish Parenting Bloggers’ site, I urge you to do it and discover amazing and amusing posts from Office Mum, The Busy Mama, Confessions of an Irish Mammy and many, many more entertaining parents.

Proud member of Irish Parenting Bloggers Group

And with that, off I go to make a cuppa, grab a homemade cookie and get to know my new virtual friends a little. 

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