Allgemein · Home

Muddling Through (with a giveaway of December Girl)

I’ve been in denial of the fact that it is November. I was just sitting here making a few mental notes of what’s on the agenda this week and suddenly realised it is not just November, it is mid-November. MID-NOVEMBER! How? Halloween was just the other day. Today is St. Martin’s Day in Germany and… Continue reading Muddling Through (with a giveaway of December Girl)

Allgemein · Parenting

14 Down, 26 To Go

Christmas is coming. Where has the time gone? Seriously. We’re into December now. How did that happen? The days are filling up with activities, invitations and commmitments. The days that aren’t planned for fetes, markets, cake sales, pre-Christmas meetups or work trips have been allocated, by default, to planning, shopping and organising so that something… Continue reading 14 Down, 26 To Go

Christmas · Parenting

Adding A Little Je Ne Sais Quoi To Your Home

Languages play a big role in our family life. It is largely due to circumstance – we’re an Irish-German marriage – but partly due to interest. I was brought up by parents who adore France and all things French. When I was small my mother would often say “Oui mon ange” instead of a plain… Continue reading Adding A Little Je Ne Sais Quoi To Your Home