emigrant · Home · Parenting

Those Little Christmassy Things

Clove-studded oranges and gold-sprayed foliage, red candles and wire ribbon, spiced beef, chocolate coins and The Snowman on the telly. Those are my little Christmassy things. Not memories as such. Not traditions either. More like short scenes or photos in my mind. They are things that immediately bring the Christmases of my childhood to mind.… Continue reading Those Little Christmassy Things

Allgemein · crafts

Calling All Crafters, Makers, Doers and Creatives

So, this may be a little bit nuts and a little bit early but I had an idea last week and I just have to share it. You might have seen it over on Instagram under the hashtag #AdventCraftSwap. I’ve a bit of a thing for Advent. It comes from living in Germany, where it… Continue reading Calling All Crafters, Makers, Doers and Creatives