
Sixty Minutes

Thursday 4:52pm

The phone rang. “We’re jut on the way out the door” I told my mam and rang off. I herded the children to the car, drove to chess club and dropped one off.


Came home and took the groceries from earlier in the day out of the car. Plonked them on the table.

Reheated a coffee from earlier, mixed up a batch of bread and popped two loaves in  the oven.
Opened two jars of homemade mincemeat and breathed in the alcohol-y Christmassy scent. Felt suddenly festive. Began making  a double batch of pastry, flitting between the mixer, the phone and the Avoca cookbook (because to my eternal shame I need a recipe for making pastry) while singing the two lines of “Walking in a Winter Wonderland” that I know.
Said yes to a  episode of Dinosaur Train when no one wanted to help with pastry making. Found myself singing How Much is that Doggy in Window while scraping pastry remainders out of the mixing bowl.
Standing with a puzzled look on my face, trying to place the soundtrack that is coming from the sitting room because it is not Dinosaur Train.
Wondered how much of my brain power I have lost over the years that it has taken me a full minute to  realsied that the soundtrack is Shaun the Sheep but in German, so Shaun das Schaaf.
Forgot I was making pastry and not biscuits and popped a lump of dough into my mouth. Yuck!
Realised I forgot to double the quantity of egg in the pastry recipe and now the pastry is already chilling in the fridge.
Remembered the reheated coffee. Took a swig of coffee. Cold again. Reheat again? No.
“Get your shoes and coats on. Chess is over in a minute”.
“Get your shoes and coats on. We have to go”.
Forcibly removes toddler from sofa to hall.
Took a swig of cold coffee again. Looked at the clock. looked at the groceries on the table. Sixty minutes goes so fast and I got nothing done.

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