It is here and it has arrived a lot sooner than I expected. I speak of the age at which saturatioin point has set it. There are concepts I just don’t get, phrases I am not willing to use and gadgets of which I do not see the point. My whole life I have been… Continue reading The Age At Which…
In June of 2021 I posted my most two most recent blog posts. An attempt to get back into blogging after 11 months away from blogging. It didn’t stick. Will it this time? I wonder. To bring you up to speed on the past year or two, I’ll try condense time into one concise blog… Continue reading A Snapshot Of A Year
We are near the end of the school year, the second school year in which we have had many disruptions and little or no routine. The second year in which sometimes just getting from one day of home schooling to the next has been an incredible challenge. The second year in which juggling everything became… Continue reading On Looking Back and Laughing
Ages and ages ago, having failed to finish at least three books in a row, I felt a bit low and switched from reading in the evenings to tv and crochet. Flicking throught Netflix, I saw that they had The Remains of the Day available. I remembered liking it when I saw it on TV… Continue reading Recent Reads I Loved
We’re just back from a few days in France. Since we live ten minutes’ drive from the border, is is generally easy to pop over and back for groceries or for a cafe au lait and croissant on a Saturday morning. It is a perk of living in our part of Germany and the novelty… Continue reading Learning French on Holidays avec Monsieur Roscoe.
All structure is gone. Schools and kindergartens have closed, re-opening only after the Easter holidays. Music lessons have been called off. Sunday mass and religious ceremonies have been cancelled. Even the First Holy Communion has been postponed indefinitely. Those children will remember this year no doubt. Last Wednesday afternoon the strangeness began. Alsace in France… Continue reading All Structure is Gone
Because of living abroad, I have many friends who have never been to my home and sometimes I forget how much a home says about a person. For those who follow my instagram interiors account @make_mine_eclectic, you will know my home by now and have a reasonable idea of my style and what interests me.… Continue reading A New Way of Reading
On holidays last Summer my mind was buzzing with travel posts to write on our return. We were on a roadtrip through western Europe, travelling through Germany, Luxembourg, Holland, Belgium and northern France. For the first time ever, we were having a sort of themed holiday, not just a getaway. The Bavarian wanted to spend… Continue reading All the things I wanted to write
[The following is a collaborative post. Words and photos are my own. ] If you are following me on Instagram or have met in real life in the past two weeks, you’ll know that flooring is a hot topic in our house right now. The mismatched laminate laid by the previous owners was past its… Continue reading Notes on Flooring
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