children · Family Life · holidays · language · learning · multi culti family · multicultural

Learning French on Holidays avec Monsieur Roscoe.

We’re just back from a few days in France. Since we live ten minutes’ drive from the border, is is generally easy to pop over and back for groceries or for a cafe au lait and croissant on a Saturday morning. It is a perk of living in our part of Germany and the novelty… Continue reading Learning French on Holidays avec Monsieur Roscoe.

bilingual · language · learning · Parenting · repetition

5 Steps Towards Bilingual Children

“I wonder which languages Number Three will have Mammy?”. Number 2 said this to me yesterday. “Deutsch, Brazilish [still obsessed with Brazil since the World Cup last year], English, Turkeys [I’m assuming he meant Turkish rather than gobbling like a turkey]. Maybe he’ll speak like a Roman soldier! What do you think Mammy?”It seems Number… Continue reading 5 Steps Towards Bilingual Children