Allgemein · food

#ClearOutAndEat – An Update & A Recipe

A couple of weeks ago I re-started my ClearOutAndEat project. If you didn’t spot that post you can read it here and find out what my project is all about. I am thrilled to see so many of you using the hashtag #ClearOutAndEat over on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. It is wonderful to see such delicious looking… Continue reading #ClearOutAndEat – An Update & A Recipe


The 3 Ingredient Snack You Have to Make This Weekend

The Bavarian adores peanuts – salted, spicy, in chocolate or straight from the shell i.e. monkey nuts. I, on the other hand, do not. I’d eat a few salted peanuts at a push, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to have them. But almonds, well, now they are a different story. The whole… Continue reading The 3 Ingredient Snack You Have to Make This Weekend

food · Parenting

Annabel Karmel’s Busy Mum’s Cookbooks – A Review

Like most people, I first encountered Annabel Karmel’s books when my eldest was about to start on solids. I was hearing about her everywhere, as if you couldn’t possibly wean a baby without her. I was a bit apprehensive. My opinion on most things that are increbibly popular is “just because everyone is raving about… Continue reading Annabel Karmel’s Busy Mum’s Cookbooks – A Review