A few weeks ago my friend Catherine from Pushing The Moon tagged me for the 73 Questions tag. Since I was moving from Blogger to Weordpress at the time, I didn’t get round to posting it till now. So, here goes. What Is Your Favourite Movie? This is a really tricky one. I have several.… Continue reading The 73 Questions Tag
This weekend we’ve done a big clear up in the garden. During Autumn all our time was taken up with raking leaves and picking up fallen walnuts, so we never got round to tidying the garden before the weather got bad. The combination of a dry weekend and having no plans led to us deciding… Continue reading It’s Not So Bad Really, Gardening
I woke up this morning feeling generous and decided I would hold a little Easter giveaway today! Having spent the past week thinking about Easter crafts and what new things to try this year, I thought I would share my favourite egg dye brand with you, because I will definitely be using it again this… Continue reading Heitmann Egg Decorating Set Giveaway
This easy-to-make springtime table runner will brighten up your table for Easter, or on any other Spring day for that matter. What you’ll need: Felt in various colours for the leaves and flowers An oblong piece of felt in a pale colour for the runner Embroidery thread in various coloursButtons in various colours A hot glue… Continue reading How To Make A Springtime Table Runner
The wonderfully gifted Sadhbh who blogs at Where Wishes Come From started up a review of the year linky a few years ago and I have decided to join in by looking back on the first year in which I took blogging seriously. You see, back in 2008 I started a little cookery blog but by 2015… Continue reading 15 from ’15 – My First Year of Serious Blogging
People sometimes tell me that I am talented*, art and crafts-wise, and ask where I get the time to do the crafts I do. I usually shug, say something along the lines of “Eh thanks, mmm I dunno”. Recently I took a bit of time to ask myself where I get the time. So, I’m… Continue reading Craft Myths, Busted
We haven’t been baking much. We’ve been too busy getting back to school. But what we have baked has been banana chocolate chip flavour. Over the years, the boys, and in saying that I include The Bavarian, have become very limited in the cakes they request. Brownies, carrot cake and coconut tray bake are their… Continue reading Flavour of the Month: Banana Chocolate Chip
About a month ago, as I was sitting in Frankfurt airport waiting to board the flight to Dublin, I had a quick browse of Twitter and saw that the very talented Nicola from Simply Homemade Mum had tagged me in a get-to-know-me kind of post. I promptly replied that I would love to take her up… Continue reading Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Me
I can spend whole days in my kitchen and not even notice I have been confined to one room for hours on end. It is by no means of vast proportions, measuring roughly 3.5m x 4.5m, but to me it is the perfect room. It is where I am now, actually. By perfect I don’t… Continue reading My Kitchen a. k. a. Atelier, Centre of Education, Surgery, Refuge
I often wonder about the history of my salvaged pieces and whether anything significant has happened around them in their lifetime – who sat on those chairs before I adopted them, what child rocked on that rocking horse I’m renovating, for whom was the play shop I picked up at a flea market made? It is all so… Continue reading What Might Have Been Seen?
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