craft · garden · Home · upcycling

Solar Lights for The Garden & An Upcycle Tutorial

Last December, after much nagging from the children, I gave in and went shopping with them for a set of outdoor fairy lights for the front garden. Lots of our neighbours had put some up at the beginning of Advent and the boys had their hearts set on them. While I loved the look of… Continue reading Solar Lights for The Garden & An Upcycle Tutorial

#homeetc · interiors · mirror · renovation · upcycling

How to Make a Window Mirror – An Upcycling Tutorial

I *may* have mentioned before that I have a thing for salvaging furniture. A few weeks ago I think I reached a new low. It was pouring rain and I should have been driving directly to Kindergarten so as not to be late.  But it was Sperrmuell day on part of your route. Sperrmuell is… Continue reading How to Make a Window Mirror – An Upcycling Tutorial