Recently I got to thinking about how much my role of mother is similar to jobs I’ve had in the past. Has my choice of work been a subconscious effort to train for parenthood? P.A. to a manager who wouldn’t make his own coffee: within 6 weeks I had him trained to walk to the… Continue reading How Previous Jobs Trained Me For Parenting
One thing people always say about me is that I am very organised. (Hopefully that won’t be what they write on my headstone). “Where do you find the time?” is a question I am often asked by colleagues and friends. My standard answer to date has been “Eh, I dunno”. Lately I started to take… Continue reading How to Be Lazy and Still Be Organised
Friday morning, 7.45 am. Number 1 has just been dispatched to school (primary starts at 8am here – criminial, I know). Number 3 is being breastfed. Number 2 and I are in our PJs at the breakfast table.Number 2: Mammy, can you make me a walkie talkie?Me: Yes love.Number 2: OK. Here. [hands me the… Continue reading The 10 Minute Walkie Talkie
I know I am alright at sewing, but I’d never thought about how good I am at sowing till yesterday. As I lay in bed with sinutitis, Number 1 came in to ask if it was morning yet. I replied it was but would he and Number 2 please play quietly in their room for the… Continue reading How’s Your Sowing?
Obviously, I knew life would change with children and, like many people, I underestimated it a bit. I realised that going out on a Saturday night would not be the regular occurreance it once was. But six and a half years in I find myself perched on the top step of the stairs with my… Continue reading Saturday Night Supper & Sunday’s Breakfast
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow, But babies grow up, we’ve learnt to our sorrow. So settle down cobwebs and dust go to sleep, I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep. The Playroom…I take the poem above seriously The above poem hung in my mother’s kitchen for over thirty years and was read… Continue reading Babies Grow Up….Too True
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