Come to my house on any given day and you might happen to find well behaved children, a balanced mother, a delicious cake, a clean house and a neat garden. There is a greater chance that you will find grubby children and a clean but untidy house, an unkempt garden and a mother slightly on… Continue reading Come to my house on any given day
Because of the fact that we are a family made up of two nationalities, I am always interested to hear how other families in similar situations live their lives. And I thought you might be too. I managed to convince Amber Walsh Olesen to let us in on how her secrets to harmonious multicultural family… Continue reading Multicultural Family Life – Meet the Walsh-Olesens
“Your squeezing days are over” are the exact words The Bavarian said to me when he arrived home from collecting our new car on Friday. We’ve upgraded from a saloon to a seven seater, which meeans no more squeezing my behind into the small space on the back seat between two car seats. That’s the trouble… Continue reading The Trouble With Three
“I wonder which languages Number Three will have Mammy?”. Number 2 said this to me yesterday. “Deutsch, Brazilish [still obsessed with Brazil since the World Cup last year], English, Turkeys [I’m assuming he meant Turkish rather than gobbling like a turkey]. Maybe he’ll speak like a Roman soldier! What do you think Mammy?”It seems Number… Continue reading 5 Steps Towards Bilingual Children
Number Three and I got loads done this morning. We dispatched Number One to school and brought Number Two to Kindergarten. We put on a whites wash and I cleaned the bathroom while Number Three had his short mid-morning nap. Then we set off for the shopping centre to buy grease stain remover for The… Continue reading What was it Monthy Python used to say?
Since having my children I have come to think of summer as birthday season. From May to September there are several birthdays in our family. Growing up it was the other way around. My mother was the only one of us who had a summer birthday. There was another birthday in the autumn and the… Continue reading Camouflage Cake for a Soldier-Themed Birthday Party
“Grown ups don’t have as much Fantasie [German for imagination] as children do, Mammy” “That’s right love. Did you learn that at school today?” “No, I just know it. Like if there is a cardboard box you say “Don’t play with that. It is junk” but we can make marvellous things from it”. This conversation… Continue reading Adults and Their Lack of Parenting Skills – 6 Tips from a 6 Year Old
Recently Number One got a black mark from his teacher. Nothing unusual about that. It happens regularly for talking in class, dawdling with his exercises and all the usual misbehaviour of a bored six year old. Generally he doesn’t take offence. But this time he was angry about it. Number One has a very strong… Continue reading The Importance of Time