We had a plan for today. One of those we-have-no-plans-today-so-lets-do-all-those-jobs-that-need-doing plans. But then we woke late, which was good actually because we never get to lie in anymore, being parents. Waking at 8:08am when you have to be somewhere at 9am is a funny feeling these days. Since becoming parents, having to be somewhere at… Continue reading We Had A Plan
My parents brought us up to wonder, explore and discover and that is how we are trying to raise our children too. So far, things are going well. All three boys are curious, questioning and interested in how the world works. Number Two in particular is mad about experimenting at the moment. For months now… Continue reading A Children’s Home Experiment Kit
Reality has reared its ugly head. On Monday my bubble will burst as I set foot in work again. It may be only to have a chat about my hours, new team, etc., but it symbolises the start of the end of parental leave and of having entire days to spend with my children. In this excellent post by… Continue reading A Letter to a Mother Returning to Work
Father’s Day here in Germany is a relatively recent addition to the calendar. For reasons unknown to me, it is celebrated on Ascension Thursday, which this year was the day before The Bavarian’s birthday. Unfortunately for me, I was having trouble getting a birthday present organised. The special fly fishing books I had ordered were… Continue reading Father’s Day Craft Ideas & Free Printable
In my pre-children days I rarely had to use hand cream, but I did now and again anyway. Having silky smooth hands just feels so nice, doesn’t it? Every so often I would buy myself a hand scrub too, to give my hands an extra bit of tlc and exfoliate any rough skin that had… Continue reading Homemade Hand Scrub
Its that time of year again when tons of delicious fruit is coming into season and the supermarket shelves fill up with jam sugar, jars and lables. Sadly, jam-making seems to be something a lot of people view as a complicated ordeal that is better left to others. In reality, jam-making is quick and easy, thanks… Continue reading 7 Tips on Jam-Making With Kids
At this time of year and throughout the summer, I am very, very glad that we have a garden with so much fruit and vegetables in it. When there is nothing much in the house to eat, we can wander the garden, pick whatever is ready to be harvested, combine it with whatever we have… Continue reading Windowsill Salads and Storecupboard Suppers
Never was a review product more joyfully received in our house than the Cognikids Sensory Teething bib, Sooth, was. When I was asked to review a CogniKids product, my initial thought was that my toddler is too old for their products. Cognikids then suggested their teething bib. Since Number Three is still getting teeth, I… Continue reading CogniKids ‘Sooth’ Sensory Teething Bib – A Review
Snuggled with Number Three in bed Made a batch of strawberry jam Baked a loaf of bread Shelled walnuts from our walnut tree Baked a batch of granola Was brought eggs from our chickens by The Bavarian and then cooked them for breakfast Listened as Number Two chatted excitedly to my dad on the phone… Continue reading 13 Things I Did This Weekend Which Reminded Me How Great My Life Is
Like most people, I first encountered Annabel Karmel’s books when my eldest was about to start on solids. I was hearing about her everywhere, as if you couldn’t possibly wean a baby without her. I was a bit apprehensive. My opinion on most things that are increbibly popular is “just because everyone is raving about… Continue reading Annabel Karmel’s Busy Mum’s Cookbooks – A Review
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