They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day and “they” are probably right. But I sometimes wonder how much time “they” have in the mornings. I mean, there are very few people I know who, with the best will in the world, are not in a massive rush in the morning. What… Continue reading A Little Look at Breakfasts
In one of my very eary posts on this blog, I mentioned that I was never one for soul-searching. That said, it doesn’t hurt now and again to take a step back and look at your life. But, be warned, it can go either way, depending on the mood you are in or the day… Continue reading 50 Things That Make Me Happy
Last Wednesday, as the end of the Easter holidays loomed, we spent a perfect morning in the garden clearing out, trimming back and planting seeds. We try to be a little self-sufficient and grow some of our own food, partly for the flavour and partly to give the children a sense of where food comes… Continue reading Milk comes from a cow (or goat or sheep), and then? – A Lesson in Cheese-Making
Here are a few more details and photos of our preparations for Easter over the last week or so. These are white eggs, hard boiled and then submerged in IRIS dyes for various lenghts of time. We made the pale green by mixing some of the yellow and blue dyes. The white stars were created… Continue reading A few photos of this year’s egg decorating with the kids
I don’t know about you, but for me Ash Wednesday always starts off with me longing for something sweet. I’ve been daydreaming about making a batch of chocolate caramel squares since I woke up this morning. The fact of it being not only the start of Lent but also a day of fasting and abstinence only… Continue reading Lenten Resentment
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