We’re just back from a few days in France. Since we live ten minutes’ drive from the border, is is generally easy to pop over and back for groceries or for a cafe au lait and croissant on a Saturday morning. It is a perk of living in our part of Germany and the novelty… Continue reading Learning French on Holidays avec Monsieur Roscoe.
We are only now coming to the end of the six-week Summer holidays. School will resume for Number One next week. Lately I have been reflecting on Number One’s development. He has made such progress in the past few months. I can hardly believe the change in him. Last September he could write his name and that was… Continue reading Now We Know Our ABCs
I can spend whole days in my kitchen and not even notice I have been confined to one room for hours on end. It is by no means of vast proportions, measuring roughly 3.5m x 4.5m, but to me it is the perfect room. It is where I am now, actually. By perfect I don’t… Continue reading My Kitchen a. k. a. Atelier, Centre of Education, Surgery, Refuge
“I wonder which languages Number Three will have Mammy?”. Number 2 said this to me yesterday. “Deutsch, Brazilish [still obsessed with Brazil since the World Cup last year], English, Turkeys [I’m assuming he meant Turkish rather than gobbling like a turkey]. Maybe he’ll speak like a Roman soldier! What do you think Mammy?”It seems Number… Continue reading 5 Steps Towards Bilingual Children