We’re just back from a few days in France. Since we live ten minutes’ drive from the border, is is generally easy to pop over and back for groceries or for a cafe au lait and croissant on a Saturday morning. It is a perk of living in our part of Germany and the novelty… Continue reading Learning French on Holidays avec Monsieur Roscoe.
As a parent, I am a firm believer in doing your bit. Before complaining about that state of the school, the lack of activities in the community or how difficult it is to meet other families, I prefer to make a suggestion, volunteer or start an initiative. I’m shy and the phrase “we are looking… Continue reading Pitch In, Sign Up And Help Out – How To Volunteer When You Think You Don’t Have The Time To
Recently Number One got a black mark from his teacher. Nothing unusual about that. It happens regularly for talking in class, dawdling with his exercises and all the usual misbehaviour of a bored six year old. Generally he doesn’t take offence. But this time he was angry about it. Number One has a very strong… Continue reading The Importance of Time
In one of my very eary posts on this blog, I mentioned that I was never one for soul-searching. That said, it doesn’t hurt now and again to take a step back and look at your life. But, be warned, it can go either way, depending on the mood you are in or the day… Continue reading 50 Things That Make Me Happy
Decorating hard-boiled eggs with children is a typical German Easter tradition. There are so many ways to decorate eggs and over the last few years we have been trying them out- From sticker patterns to hand painting to natural dying, the possibilities are well not quite endless but certainly vast. The only problem we have… Continue reading German Easter Egg Decorations – A Photoshoot