We haven’t been baking much. We’ve been too busy getting back to school. But what we have baked has been banana chocolate chip flavour.
Over the years, the boys, and in saying that I include The Bavarian, have become very limited in the cakes they request. Brownies, carrot cake and coconut tray bake are their usual requests when I make the mistake of asking what they’d like. The only times of year they ask for biscuits are Advent and Easter.
But recently they took me very much by surprise by asking for a banana and chocolate cake with coconut sprinkles. When I mentioned having to look up a recipe, Number One decided to play the parent on me and said “Before you do that, I have three questions for you”.
Me: OK
Him: Have you ever made banana cake or bread?
Me: Of course
Him: Have you ever made chocolate cake?
Me: You know I have
Him: Aha, and have you ever put coconut sprinkles on a cake or on buns?
Me, finally seeing where this is going: Yes
Him: So what do you need a recipe for? You can do it.
Pep talk over, he put on his coat and went to school, safe in the knowledge that his capable mother wouldn’t let him down and knowing that Number Two was still at home to ensure I didn’t try to change the plan.
What the boys didn’t now was that I have a recipe for a chocolate chip banana cake in one of my notebooks. But under the watchful eye of Number Two I didn’t feel I could go rooting it out and using it. We made a basic bun mixture, mashed in one and a half bananas, stirred in about 100g of chopped dark chocolate and baked it as a tray bake. When it was cool, I cut it in half and make a sandwich cake with chocolate ganache in the middle and on top. The whole thing got a good dusting of coconut and I awaited the verdict.
It looked far from spectacular, but the boys loved it, as did our visitors. We were hard put to keep a slice over for The Bavarian, but he was very pleased we did. I am under instruction to make it again.
A couple of days later, with the cake still fresh in our minds, I saw that Sinead from Bumbles of Rice had posted the recipe for her banana oat cookies with chocolate chips. I mentioned the combination to Number Two and he insisted we try them straight away. It was 8.45am. Normally at that time on a kindergarten morning I would try to put him off immediate baking, but these seemed so quick that we could get them made and baked before having to leave the hosue at 9.20am. And we did.
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Number Two did most of the work, starting with chopping chocolate into chunks. “I’ll just taste it to make sure it is still good” is his catchphrase for these kind of jobs.
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Mixing the banana, oats and chocolate chunks was a tougher job than Number Two thought. Luckily he had his Batman bicycle glove on to protect his hand, as you do while baking.
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The mixture needed a final beating by mammy’s strong hand to get the consistency right before being dolloped onto the baking tray.
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After 12-15 minutes the cookies were ready to remove from the oven. They taste best left to cool fully and crisp up a bit on the outside.
Yum. My wife used to bake all the time pre-baby. I miss it terribly, especially her banana chocolate cupcakes. The waistband on my jeans doesn't though.
Yum. My wife used to bake all the time pre-baby. I miss it terribly, especially her banana chocolate cupcakes. The waistband on my jeans doesn't though.
Yum. My wife used to bake all the time pre-baby. I miss it terribly, especially her banana chocolate cupcakes. The waistband on my jeans doesn't though.
Yum. My wife used to bake all the time pre-baby. I miss it terribly, especially her banana chocolate cupcakes. The waistband on my jeans doesn't though.
Yum. My wife used to bake all the time pre-baby. I miss it terribly, especially her banana chocolate cupcakes. The waistband on my jeans doesn't though.
Yum. My wife used to bake all the time pre-baby. I miss it terribly, especially her banana chocolate cupcakes. The waistband on my jeans doesn't though.
Yum. My wife used to bake all the time pre-baby. I miss it terribly, especially her banana chocolate cupcakes. The waistband on my jeans doesn't though.
Yum. My wife used to bake all the time pre-baby. I miss it terribly, especially her banana chocolate cupcakes. The waistband on my jeans doesn't though.
Yum. My wife used to bake all the time pre-baby. I miss it terribly, especially her banana chocolate cupcakes. The waistband on my jeans doesn't though.
Yum. My wife used to bake all the time pre-baby. I miss it terribly, especially her banana chocolate cupcakes. The waistband on my jeans doesn't though.
Oh dear. Should I send you a care package? 😉 Those cupcakes sound tasty.